A sweet treat with low calorie substitutions in to any box cake mix.
A beginner-friendly soup recipe right out of the produce section of your favorite grocery store.
Enjoy this smoothie as a refreshing drink or spoon it up out of a bowl! Good as a breakfast or a snack/dessert. Freeze leftovers and thaw…as good (or better) than day one!
The basis of this hearty soup is cheese tortellini and beans, with any other vegetables that you enjoy. I am including my favorites here. This is a perfect soup that will transition into spring/summer.
Pair this with some fat free Greek yogurt and fruit parfaits or scrambled eggs whites and fruit for a balanced meal!
This is the perfect topping for Wasa Crispbread (Light Rye). The pleasant flavor of dill does not overpower the taste of rye.
Use these suggested smart substitutions to help maintain a healthy diet.

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